Wednesday Nights and Athletes

Wednesday Nights and Athletes

Wednesday Nights and Athletes

We realize one of the biggest hindrances to Wednesday night worship for student athletes is the desire to be at the Rock for service but not being able to shower and feel clean. Here are a few things to consider:

  • We want you at the Rock whether you're smelling fresh or covered in dirt.
  • Did you know we have showers on campus in the gym that you can use? There are five individual showers each in the men's and women's bathrooms for you to clean up before service!
  • Every week, we also offer free pizza in the Rock.

Bottom line: we want you at the Rock! Spread the word to your friends as well!

One last note… There are a few things that are more encouraging to other students than to see you walk in to the rock, even if slightly late, still covered in sweat or dirt because you rushed from practice or work to the church.

Love you guys and can’t wait to worship tomorrow night!

By Grace,

Pastor Andrew