Refuel Info —
Refuel Info —

Refuel Info —

Refuel Info —

Location: Talladega, Alabama Shocco Springs

Date: January 17-20

Cost: $150

Refuel Sign Up:

Shocco Waiver:

RRBC Waiver:

Dietary Restrictions form:


  • We will depart Roopville Road at 5:30p on Friday, 17th. Check-in is from 4-5P in the Fellowship Hall behind the Rock Student Ministry building.
  • We really want students to be focused on the Word during services and spend time with the group. Please encourage your student to only have their phone out to call you. If you are having trouble contacting them, feel free to contact a leader.
  • Any damage done by your student will be your responsibility. Meaning you will reimburse the church if we are charged for any damage by the retreat center. FOR EXAMPLE: A sheetrock hole = $50
  • Please inform your student not to bring anything with them that will create a distraction between them and the camp experience. This could be anything and something you know about so please strongly encourage them in this. If we notice something we will gladly free them of this burden during the week and return it upon arrival at the church on Friday. That means NO XBOX or any other Gaming Console.
  • We will return home Monday around noon. Students will call as we get closer, the drive is right around 1.5 hours.
  • Money – please pay full balance before Friday, January 17th
  • Updates – We will be updating arrival and departure as well as periodically through the trip. If you are currently a part of the Rock Communications group, you’ll get the updates. If you’re not a part of that now’s a great time to do that. Simply shoot an email to with your personal information (name, number, cellphone carrier) and we will get you added to our RockSM communication
  • Please pray!!! Many adults discount the possibility of God doing something through a student. This saddens me but also is a source of motivation. These students are special and have purpose. So, join with me and be praying for this week, pray for change, for awakening!
  • Engage your student when we return. Don’t let them forget the work the Lord is doing in their heart!


(click arrows for drop-down)

Friday Schedule Overview:
Saturday Schedule Overview:
Sunday Schedule Overview
Monday Schedule Overview:


  • Bible
  • Notebook and pen/pencil
  • Sleeping bag or sheets for twin bunks
  • Pillow
  • Toiletries… The normal things plus toilet paper.
  • 4 Days of Clothes. Rain jacket and warm clothes would be a great idea! Sometimes we get sweaty from being outside if it is warm, pack some extra!
  • Towels, wash clothes (Shower shoes aren’t a bad idea)
  • If your child takes medication, please let me know. We will have a place for it at check to give to the nurse.
  • If your student has food allergies, please let your student’s room leader know.
  • Water bottle (This helps everyone.)

Andrew Toney, Student Pastor (678) 416-2054