DNOW ‘25

DNOW ‘25


DATE: March 7-9 LOCATION: Roopville Road Baptist Church COST: $35


Hey all, I hope you are doing well! DNOW will be here before you know it! For those of you that do not know what DNOW is - it is a weekend filled with worship and discipleship. We partner with 10 other local churches to help students take their next step with Christ. This year we will be looking at Spiritual Warfare through Ephesians 6. It is going to be a great weekend that I pray you will have your students at. There are many things to know for the weekend that you can find below. We are in need of host homes and drivers for the weekend. If you are able to help in those ways, please let me know! By grace,

Pastor Andrew

Here are a few things you need to know!

  • Andrew Toney - 678-416-2054 / andrew@roopvilleroad.org
  • Student drop-off begins at 6P on Friday the 7th in the CLC. Please come having eaten dinner.
  • Students will spend the night Friday and Saturday night in host homes through church Sunday morning for service. Once they are back on campus they are yours!
  • Money ($35) is due by Friday, March 7th
  • Please don’t send a sick student.
  • Encourage them to be all in for this weekend. The fact that we are so close to home will present the opportunity for them to want to come home - encourage them to be all in. That said, if your student can only be there for part, we want them to come!
  • We’ll text through the days with little updates. (Our Instagram will catch some of the memories too!)
  • SHIRT DEADLINE - Feb. 13th
  • Registration is open! If you know of a friend of your student and they are interested in coming, please invite them!
  • Please pray for the weekend. So many opportunities... so many students... pray that God would work in the hearts of students and leaders.

Packing List

  • Bible
  • Notebook and pen/pencil
  • Sleeping bag or inflatable mattress is encouraged
  • Pillow
  • Toiletries (sunscreen too?)
  • Friday night clothes, Saturday clothes, Sunday morning service clothes
  • Towels & wash cloths
  • If you child takes medication, please let me know.
  • If your student has any major allergies, please remind me. (Even if you have told me before.)
  • Your student will have an opportunity to give towards the Pregnancy Resource Center as our cause for the weekend!
  • There will also be a book store full of recourses they can purchase!



6:00 PM – Students Arrive (Students should have already eaten)

7:00 PMSession #1

9:00 PM – Small Groups

9:30 PM – Bonfire


8:30 AM – Setup Crew Arrives

9:30 AM – Students Arrive

10:00 AMSession #2

11:30 AM – Small Groups

12:00 PM – Lunch

1:00–3:30 PM – Recreation Time

1:00–2:00 PM – Scavenger Hunt

2:00–3:00 PM – Free Time (Butter’d Udder)

3:45 PM – Travel to Breakout 1

4:00 PM – Breakout 1 Begins

4:30 PM – End & Travel to Breakout 2

4:45 PM – Arrive at Breakout 2

5:00 PM – Breakout 2 Begins

5:30 PM – Breakout 2 Ends

6:00 PM – Dinner

6:45 PM – Travel to Session

7:30 PMSession #3

9:00 PM – Small Groups

Current Needs

  • Transportation... if you are able to help transport students from host homes to the church and back that would be helpful. Let me know by text (678-416-2054) or email (andrew@roopvilleroad.org)!
  • Help us feed the Rock students on Sunday morning for Sunday School to give the host homes a break! You can do that HERE

It is going to be a great weekend! If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to ask!

Would you like to be a host home? Email sarah@roopvilleroad.org!