‘24 Graduate Weekend Information

‘24 Graduate Weekend Information

Hey all!

First of all let me say congratulations on graduating! Roopville Road loves you and we have planned this weekend to show this. Please see take note of the following details for the weekend ahead:

  • Breakfast is at 9A in the fellowship hall (just past the red brick building on campus)
  • If you have opted to have a graduation table on Sunday morning we will set those up right after the breakfast. You will have a black tablecloth provided by the church.
  • After table setup the HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES (those who opted for the day trip)will head out for the day. The original plan was to go to Atlanta. However, as the group has grown, the plans have changed. We are going to go to Big Time Entertainment in Oxford, Alabama. We will also go to the outlets there. You will still need to bring lunch money. We will be taking the church bus so we can go together. We will return roughly around 5-6P
  • On Sunday you will need to be at those tables during the time between Sunday School and main service as well as right after service! (Roughly 10:25A-10:45A & 12:00P-12:15P) You will need to clean off your table after we are finished.
  • If you are planning to be recognized on Sunday morning, please meet Garrett and I at the altar stage at 10:20A to walk-thru.

This is going to be a great weekend. If you have any questions at all please feel free to email me at andrew@roopvilleroad.org.

By grace,

Pastor Andrew