Parents in Sunday School & Commissioning Service

Parents in Sunday School & Commissioning Service

Parents in Sunday School & Commissioning Service

Hey all, I hope your week is going great!

Welcome 6th graders and parents!

I am excited to welcome the new 6th graders into the Rock this Sunday morning in SS! All you have to do is come into the Rock's main meeting space and we will separate from there! Next Wednesday will also be your first night in the Rock - exciting! Parents, if you would like to sit in on the Rock that night, you are welcome! We will work through the book of Acts in the Fall and Summer! I will hold a brief "Welcome to the Rock" meeting at 6PM next Wednesday (9th) in the Rock! If you need anything or have any questions, feel free to email me at!

Parent's in Sunday School

Last year the high school girl's Sunday School teachers had a great idea to invite the parents of the girls to come into SS with them for the morning. This year we would like to do the same for the entire Rock Student Ministry Sunday School classes. So, parents, grandparents, or guardians (one per student please for rooms-sakes) I would like to welcome you to come to spend the morning with your student. Please bring a note card size piece of paper with a word on it for your student. This can be something you're praying for your student or a word that reminds you of them. You'll get the opportunity to tell them this when we are together in our classes this Sunday! It was a sweet time last year and we know that it will be again this year! We are asking that you would also bring a breakfast dish with you to help feed the ministry. Please see this sign-up form for what you can bring!

Commissioning Service

School is back and it brings so much gospel opportunity for parents and students! It is no secret that our students and teachers encounter situations that are very difficult in the schools each year! This is a service where we not only recognize the hard work of the school systems employees and students but also commission them into the mission field that is the school system. Please join us for this special service this Sunday at 10:45AM. Please encourage your student to invite their teachers on their first day of school this Friday. You have no idea how much it could mean to a teacher (and how impactful it could be) when we step out of our comfort zone and invite.

I am excited to get the Fall rolling! I am always here to serve you in any way I can!

By grace,

Pastor Andrew