Refuel ‘24

Refuel ‘24


MLK weekend is right around the corner. The deadline for Refuel sign-up is January 1st. We will be leaving Friday the 12th at 5PM. We will return home Monday the 15th around noon. We will be going to Shocco Springs in Talladega, AL. This is a Middle and High School trip. The cost is $150. There are several add-ons that cost extra that you can choose to do on the registration form. You do not have to do anything extra. To keep the cost lower, I chose to let them be chosen on a per-student basis instead of make everyone pay for things they may not participate in. If they opt to do no extra activities, there will still be plenty to do. We view Refuel not only has a bonding and discipleship opportunity but also, an opportunity to connect with those who don’t know Christ. Please invite other students you may know and encourage your students to be inviting their friends to go with us! You can register HERE. When you register, you will receive a link to the packing list and parent notes. If you have any questions at all, please let me know. You can email me at I know the Lord is going to use this trip for some incredible things. I pray your student will be apart!

I am always here if you need me!

By grace, Pastor Andrew